Looking to Be a Sponsor?
Sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses and organizations interested in reaching a large audience of higher education professionals. We offer a variety of different sponsorship packages, perfect for all levels of budgets:
Program Sponsor
Level 1: $200
- Program advertisement 3.25″ wide X 4.75″ tall, 1/4 page, portrait only
Level 2: $400
- Program advertisement 7″ wide X 4.75″ tall, 1/2 page, landscape only
Level 3: $600
- Program advertisement 7″ wide X 9″ tall, full page, portrait only
* * Ad content will be reviewed and approved by UAA before inclusion in the annual conference program
Exhibit Sponsor
Level 1: $600
- Unstaffed table, one 6′ draped table, ID sign, materials arranged on table
Level 2: $800
- Staffed table (up to two representatives), one 6′ draped table, chair, ID sign
- 1/2 page program advertisement (OR upgrade to full page add for an additional $200).
Conference Sponsor
All packages below include your company name as a sponsor on a large sign located near the registration area and inclusion of one company brochure in the participant tote bags.
Bronze: $1,000
- Staffed table (up to 2 representatives)
- Full-page program advertisement (7″ wide x 9.5″ tall, portrait only)
- Link and description of firm on UAA website
- Optional presentation with description in program
Silver: $1,500
- Meal sponsorship (1 breakfast or lunch) — includes 20″ X 30″ signage at sponsored event and brief promo (no longer than 2-3 minutes) read by UAA or sponsor during the event
- Includes all Bronze level benefits
Gold: $2,000
- Conference tote bag sponsor — includes company logo on printed conference bag along with UAA
- All Bronze level benefits
Sponsor applications will open on Monday November 13, 2023 and close on Monday April 1, 2024. Applications can be found HERE.